Artes 4.0

Siena Imaging to develop new omics data analysis to improve brain tumour diagnosis and prognosis

Titled “SI-BrAInomiX: a new module of SInLAB for brain tumour diagnosis and prognosis
using a multi-omics approach”; the project submitted by Siena Imaging within the Ri&Ss
Artes 4.0 Call No. 5 – 2023 included in the PNRR (Missione 4 – Componente 2 “Dalla
ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 2.3 “Potenziamento ed estensione tematica e territoriale
dei centri di trasferimento tecnologico per segmenti di industria”) is entitled "SI-BrAInomiX:
a new module of SInLAB for brain tumour diagnosis and prognosis using a multi-omics
The project received a grant of approximately €330,000, representing 70% of the eligible
costs, and aims to develop an artificial intelligence module to identify the clinical course of
glioma patients by integrating heterogeneous omics data from different modalities and
technologies, such as imaging experiments, genomics and transcriptomics. The main goal
of the project is to provide decision support for physicians to identify the most appropriate
treatment course by tailoring the treatment to the specific characteristics of each patient.

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