Premiazione Industria Felix

Siena Imaging among the 161 top companies in Italy – Felix Industry Prize

Siena Imaging wins the Felix Industry Prize – Italy that competes

The Siena-based company listed among the best companies in innovative services and among the top companies for management performance and reliability – Felix Industry Prize

Siena, 16 December 2024 – Siena Imaging, an imaging CRO operating on an international scale in the field of biomedical imaging diagnostics, has won the Industria Felix Award, a national recognition for innovative companies that stand out for their managerial competitiveness and financial solidity. The Siena-based company, incubated within the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation, was selected as one of the ‘Top Innovative SMEs for management performance and financial reliability by Cerved’. The prize was awarded in Milan during the 60th event, hosted inside Palazzo Mezzanotte, the headquarters of ELITE and Borsa Italiana, organised by Industria Felix Magazine, an economics and finance magazine directed by Michele Montemurro, in supplement with Il Sole 24 Ore.

Chiara Gentile, Quality Manager and Human Resources Manager of Siena Imaging, accepted the high honour, commenting: ‘For us it is a great honour to have been recognised as one of the best companies in terms of financial reliability, considering that we operate in an extremely competitive environment and that we are competing with international companies that are much more structured and have been in the market for longer. This is an important recognition that certifies the solidity of our company, which had already won the Felix prize reserved for the 100 companies in Central Italy last May’.
The ‘Industria Felix – L’Italia che compete’ award is assigned by Industria Felix Magazine, in collaboration with Cerved, Università Luiss Guido Carli, Associazione culturale Industria Felix, with the support of Confindustria, with the media partnership of Il Sole 24 Ore, Askanews and Adnkronos, and the partnerships of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, ELITE, Leyton Italia, M&L Consulting Group, Dalmine Logistic Solutions, Musa formazione e lavoro.


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